This month’s featured artist: Kellie Gammie
* Where do you get your inspiration from?
Endless sources, often from those you would expect, colours & textures in nature, a song, an article I read on line, my daughter, wandering through a room full of other artists’ work.
Sometimes it is running myself ragged on the cross trainer or often it can be the wee dram when curled up relaxing at night that brings a moment of inspiration.
* Who is your favourite artist?
I couldn't possibly narrow it down to just one; it depends on the season, the year, what's happening in my life as all these things affect how I feel about art.
Those that I love and would include as favourites would be Brett Whitely,
Georgia O' Keeffe, Tamara Lempika, Picasso, Gauguin, Bottero, Kandinsky, Banksy
* What artist movement(s) do you feel most inspired by?
Perhaps it is the cubists, who started to break down images into shapes and colours which when combined on the canvas evoked an image of the original object or scene in our imaginations.
I also love street art & graffiti, pure expression that illuminates the dullness of cityscapes and can provoke our conscious if it is good street art.
* Talk about your do you feel you art has evolved since you first picked up a paint brush?, what do you aim to do within your paintings?
Are you a 'clean' painter or do you need to get your hands dirty when you paint?
Since I first picked up my first paint brush I have always been a messy painter. I like to work with things "randomly" arranged around me and I like to be wearing a bit of it by the end.
I don't think I ever aim to do anything specifically in my paintings I prefer them to evolve from a simple idea and become something during the process of painting.
I will start with a seed of and idea and let it just arrive from who knows where.
There is never a complicated aim or a contrived plan.
* are there any exhibition/art event you went to recently that most impressed you and why were you impressed?
My daughter's school Art auction. I'm always impressed by the raw realness of younger children's art.
I love the way their abstracted representations of life are how their brains and hands interpret what we all see.
I love their use of colour, form and composition that is often what you are as artists are trying to regain after years of indoctrination
* In your opinion, what makes good art?
I piece that has originality and emotion, nothing worse than a bland landscape that has no sense of energy.
*Do you have a website?
The question people are constantly asking me. It is almost done!!!!!
*What do you like most about Kumeu Arts Centre?
It leaves the pretentiousness that is often associated with the art world at the door.
* What would you like to change/improve in Kumeu Arts Centre?
I would have to have a good think about that as I find it a special little place.
* Where do you get your inspiration from?
Endless sources, often from those you would expect, colours & textures in nature, a song, an article I read on line, my daughter, wandering through a room full of other artists’ work.
Sometimes it is running myself ragged on the cross trainer or often it can be the wee dram when curled up relaxing at night that brings a moment of inspiration.
* Who is your favourite artist?
I couldn't possibly narrow it down to just one; it depends on the season, the year, what's happening in my life as all these things affect how I feel about art.
Those that I love and would include as favourites would be Brett Whitely,
Georgia O' Keeffe, Tamara Lempika, Picasso, Gauguin, Bottero, Kandinsky, Banksy
* What artist movement(s) do you feel most inspired by?
Perhaps it is the cubists, who started to break down images into shapes and colours which when combined on the canvas evoked an image of the original object or scene in our imaginations.
I also love street art & graffiti, pure expression that illuminates the dullness of cityscapes and can provoke our conscious if it is good street art.
* Talk about your do you feel you art has evolved since you first picked up a paint brush?, what do you aim to do within your paintings?
Are you a 'clean' painter or do you need to get your hands dirty when you paint?
Since I first picked up my first paint brush I have always been a messy painter. I like to work with things "randomly" arranged around me and I like to be wearing a bit of it by the end.
I don't think I ever aim to do anything specifically in my paintings I prefer them to evolve from a simple idea and become something during the process of painting.
I will start with a seed of and idea and let it just arrive from who knows where.
There is never a complicated aim or a contrived plan.
* are there any exhibition/art event you went to recently that most impressed you and why were you impressed?
My daughter's school Art auction. I'm always impressed by the raw realness of younger children's art.
I love the way their abstracted representations of life are how their brains and hands interpret what we all see.
I love their use of colour, form and composition that is often what you are as artists are trying to regain after years of indoctrination
* In your opinion, what makes good art?
I piece that has originality and emotion, nothing worse than a bland landscape that has no sense of energy.
*Do you have a website?
The question people are constantly asking me. It is almost done!!!!!
*What do you like most about Kumeu Arts Centre?
It leaves the pretentiousness that is often associated with the art world at the door.
* What would you like to change/improve in Kumeu Arts Centre?
I would have to have a good think about that as I find it a special little place.